Calendar of Events
This website was created to share with the viewer some of Long Island’s historic venues and events. The content on this site was listed as accurate as possible and this site shall not be responsible for any inaccurate information. Please contact the webmaster at: info@visithistoriclongisland.com for more information.
Islip Grange, Sayville
Dutch Reformed Church, Islip Grange
The Mill, Islip Grange
Plan Your Trip
Islip Grange - Town of Islip
Historic Site
The Mill
Robinson House
Dutch Reformed Church
This is scaled reproduction of the original Protestant Dutch Reformed Church of Sayville c. 1867.
Built in 1895 this mill was owned by the Powell Family. In 1920 it was moved to Johnson Avenue, Bohemia.
Islip Grange represents what a local hamlet would have looked like in the 19th century. Founded in 1974, a number of Long Island period structures were moved onto this 12 acre site. Currently the buildings include a carriage shed, Bicentennial Cottage, Dutch Reformed Church, Estate Managers Cottage, Ockers Barn and The Mill. The Islip Grange was planned as a repository for historic structures and landmarks to be situated in a park-like setting reflecting aspects of living pre-Civil War Long Island. The site is owned and maintained by the Town of Islip.
10 Broadway Avenue
Historic Directory
Robinson House
Civil War_reenactors
Company K, 67 New York Volunteer Infantry,
Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians
Monthly drills at Islip Grange, check schedule
Thirteen Annual Civil War Weekend, October 16 - 17, 2021.